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Sit Still, Look Pretty

Once upon a time, as the olden stories go:
Girls must look pretty and Boys must be strong.

Dancers must be graceful and art must be beautiful

-- but is that so?

What is pretty? Who is to judge? Where do these ideals come from?

Why do we chase them? Does it define who we are?

These are questions I've explored with the girls upon setting this year's choreography. Society likes to put us in boxes and labels, with all these expectations and right/wrong ideals that are so ingrained in us growing up.


Yet, we are all multi-faceted individuals, complex and unique. You can be elegant and cute and sensitive, but also strong, resilient and outspoken - they do not have to be mutually exclusive, and you shouldn't have to choose one over the other. Do find beauty on your own terms, and know you don't owe it to anyone but yourself to look or act in any certain way.


Music: Fire (Instrumental) - JMSN & Mr. Moustafa - Alexandre Desplat
Choreographed for Maryknoll Convent School (Secondary Section) - Modern Dance Team

Competed in the 60th Hong Kong Schools Dance Festival

Highly Commended Award

27 January 2024

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