暮言·青行 :《多聲道第一回:行動電源》
Choreographer: Cherry Leung Tsz-Yan
Jockey Club “In Search of Voice in a Cramped City” Dance Education Programme (Final Chapter)
"Mou6 Jin4 Cing1 Hang4" is a part of the Jockey Club “In Search of Voice in a Cramped City” Dance Education Programme, and is comprised of 2 parts: Workshop and Performance. This Programme fuses contemporary dance with other art disciplines: drama, music, text-image and visual arts as media, to create a series of innovative programme activities for youths to explore communication.
HKICC Lee Shau Kee School of Creativity Multi-media Theatre
135 Junction Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong
17.12.2021 (Fri) | 8:00PM
18.12.2021 (Sat) | 3:00PM & 8:00PM
19.12.2021 (Sun) | 3:00PM
Creative & Production Team
Artistic Director: Pewan CHOW
Gabbie CHAN Hiu-ling; Jo LEUNG Sau-yin; Cherry LEUNG Tsz-yan; Cally YIP Lai-yee
Artists: Drama | Donut CHEUG
Visual Arts | Nina CHIU
Music | Priscila CHU
Text-image | hyf
Moderator: Chester WONG
Lighting Designer: LEE Wai-sum Vanessa
Sound Designer: MAN Kai Hei
Stage and Production Manager: YUEN Kin Man
Deputy Stage Manager: FAN Man Yan
Graphic Design: Forrest LAU @4res
Project Manager: Joyce LAM
Project Coordinator: Christy CHAN
Photographer: Hardy Cheung